Weekly writing Challenge: Memoir Madness (An embarrassing Dance Moment)

A passion of mine is ballroom dancing. For me there is nothing that beats flying round the dance floor to the strains of a quick step, Viennese waltz, jazz waltz or foxtrot being held in the arms of someone who knows the moves. After these dances my favourites are the sultry Latin dances. I liken a jive to a bunch of friends having a fun time. This fun can then lead to the cha cha cha which is cheeky and flirtatious. The Samba takes this flirting a step forward until finally the rumba is the dance of love.

My least favourite form of dancing is new vogue and old-time dancing. It isn’t that I dislike these so much as I tend to get bored whilst doing them. Most dances you attend will play two each of each dance and by the time I have done it once I really just want to move on and do something different. Most people like this form of dancing as the men don’t have to lead and if you don’t know the dance there will be someone who does that you can copy on the way around for these dances are done in a circle with everybody doing the same steps.

I have learnt with my move to Queensland that each state (at least NSW and Qld) have different preferences for dancing styles and where in NSW modern ballroom and latin predominates the dance scene with perhaps only twelve new vogue dances routinely done. In Qld new vogue dancing is almost exclusively performed with what they call free form (modern ballroom) barely getting a sideways glance and Latin non-existent. Here I am learning at least thirty new vogue dances I had never heard of so at least it is keeping the dementia at bay.

As we stand in our circle twirling and whirling I often think back to a night I attended a ball at one of the dance studios I used to frequent in Sydney. All the ladies looked an absolute picture although long ball gowns in my opinion don’t allow for either great dancing as the length prevents that wonderful flying out effect that a bell skirt would have and for those watching, disappointment that those intricate feet and leg movements can’t be seen and admired. Never the less the women did look gorgeous with their strapless bodices and long gowns.

It was during one of the new vogue numbers that disaster struck. Not only are their intricate foot movements but the arm movements are also important in making the dance look spectacular. I was performing one of these arm  movements with my arm going behind my body in an almost circular motion, totally unaware that the couple behind us were far closer than I thought they were. My hand entered her bodice and with its forward trajectory pulled her bodice with my hand to my side, her zip having undone itself in the process. There she stood, bra-less, exposed for the room to see. The horror on her face was reflected on my own as I quickly tried to repair the damage apologising profusely as I fussed.

I was so embarrassed, as was she, and I have hopefully learnt my lesson. No longer do I flourish my arm movements unless I know without doubt the location of the couple following.


About Irene Waters 19 Writer Memoirist

I began my working career as a reluctant potato peeler whilst waiting to commence my training as a student nurse. On completion I worked mainly in intensive care/coronary care; finishing my hospital career as clinical nurse educator in intensive care. A life changing period as a resort owner/manager on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu was followed by recovery time as a farmer at Bucca Wauka. Having discovered I was no farmer and vowing never again to own an animal bigger than myself I took on the Barrington General Store. Here we also ran a five star restaurant. Working the shop of a day 7am - 6pm followed by the restaurant until late was surprisingly more stressful than Tanna. On the sale we decided to retire and renovate our house with the help of a builder friend. Now believing we knew everything about building we set to constructing our own house. Just finished a coal mine decided to set up in our backyard. Definitely time to retire we moved to Queensland. I had been writing a manuscript for some time. In the desire to complete this I enrolled in a post grad certificate in creative Industries which I completed 2013. I followed this by doing a Master of Arts by research graduating in 2017. Now I live to write and write to live.
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20 Responses to Weekly writing Challenge: Memoir Madness (An embarrassing Dance Moment)

  1. Oh no! But I couldn’t help laughing. Sorry.
    I am insanely jealous. I can’t dance. We had dancing classes in Year 10 and as I attended a girls’ school and the local boys’ school never sent enough boys, I nearly always ended up filling in as a boy. Never being a naturally coordinated person to begin with, I think this just confused my brain for life. I’ve always envied folks like yourself who make it look so effortless. 🙂


  2. M-R says:

    HILARIOUS !!!! What huge fun, Irene !!!!! [grin]


  3. Oh my..you might have been embarrassed but I am sure she was horrified!


  4. sue marquis bishop says:

    Oh no… How awful for her… and you too.. I love dancing and even imagine twirling around in dance when I am in a situation of stress …my concerns float away on the imagined dance floor. Sue. womenlivinglifeafter50.com


  5. joannesisco says:

    OMG – that is the FUNNIEST dance story I have ever heard!! I’m sure both of you were mortified but I can’t help laughing 😀


  6. What a story! It brought a laugh out loud – can’t imagine how embarrassing it was for both of you! I had no idea you were a dancer! I can manage a waltz and a foxtrot, but prefer dancing the to rock and roll oldies. Kids today can’t dance at all. My daughter’s wedding with the requisite dances is going to be interesting!


    • Perhaps they’ll have dance lessons. Yes I love my dancing with a passion. Unfortunately my husband hates it with as much passion. When we met he played golf, I danced and we agreed neither would ask the other to partake in the different sports. He is lucky as golf is a solitary pursuit whereas I need a partner and sometimes men can be a bit thin on the ground. Still I have fun at least once a week and it is great exercise.


  7. Pingback: Ballroom Dancing – The Viennese Waltz and the Quick Step  wpsocialpress

  8. Pingback: Ballroom Dancing – The Rumba  wpsocialpress

  9. TanGental says:

    Now I have disasters on the dance floor but that is the ultimate. The nearest I can think of is our dance teacher, a delightful man called Peter who is pencil thin (hardly a surprise given he dances all day and night giving classes and private lessons). He is also very self conscious believing he must always put on a show. Every year he runs his showcase where his classes and students perform a dance and he is involved in a lot of them. This year he decided that he just didn’t have the arse for some of the Latin dances, the tango especially so bought a pair of buttock extensions. Sadly he didn’t fix them correctly so his first Latin dance – a rumba as it happens – had him hitching his bum after every turn. We really really did try not to snigger… Lovely story Irene.


  10. Charli Mills says:

    Dancing is beautiful to watch, but I’ve never mastered many steps. What a freak occurrence–perfect timing, really to orchestrate that move! Funny story!


  11. Oops…gotta laugh, though! Too funny!


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