I am one of the lucky ones. I live where the colours are bright and vibrant. The blue of the sky has clarity, the rivers and oceans crystalline, the wheat in the fields golden and the grass a verdant green. I can speak freely without fear, dance with joy in my heart as I fly around the floor as though floating on air.

I am lucky – I am not starving. I do not stand on parched, cracked earth. My body is not covered in dust, my eyes and nose free from flies and biting insects. I am healthy. I have luxuries. I have the luxury of caring for animals to the point of humanizing them. I have the luxury of caring and loving. Not only do I have these luxuries I have food for my stomach, a bed for my rest and a car for my transport.

I am lucky – despite difficult times I have survived and kept smiling. I enjoy life. I am still learning. Recently it hit me how much more I have to learn and wished I had started the enlightening process earlier. Then I realised, I started at birth and my life experiences were one big learning curve. In my blog I hope to make sense of the past, look at the present and have a fun time as I journey through the world of blogging.

174 Responses to ABOUT

  1. farrelljulie says:

    Hi Irene,
    Thanks so much for reaching out to my author blog! I love how WordPress allows us all to support and connect with each other! 🙂


  2. xbox2121 says:

    You have a very interesting blog, your writing skills are far more advanced than mine. I just have to ask why don’t you have any followers ?


    • Thanks for your likes. Why don’t I have many followers? I’ve only just started and I’m still learning. I’m not really sure how people find you to start with. How did you find me? I was pretty stoked to have 14 followers none of which are family and friends.
      I’ve visited your site and liked your writing. I’d say that your writing style really suits the thought processes you are experiencing, a little chaotic, going from one place to another – your writing gives it immediacy and puts the reader right in there with you.
      I’d be moving to the country if I were you just to get more sleep.


  3. xbox2121 says:

    Sorry 14 followers when you have just started is a good number. When I look at a strangers post I base the number of followers on likes and comments received. The blog roll can be deceiving so I don’t look at it. I just focus on the content and the style. I probably found you through a comment you made on one of the blogs I follow or those new icons they show below a post that say you both have liked post on the same blogs that is how I normally do it. Thank you for the comment on my writing I think you described it very well using the word chaotic. The problem with me living in the country is, after living so isolated out there I became a social outcast and depressed to a extent. I had forgotten how to talk to other people.


    • You are probably right about blog roll. I totally understand your thoughts re living in the country. I too have lived in very isolated circumstances and found that I had forgotten how to talk by the time I came back into the world. Luckily I didn’t lose my ability to write and that has been very helpful. I think the depression comes because we are in reality a herd animal and we need the contact of other people, although getting comfortable with that can be difficult.


  4. Uncle Spike says:

    Me again… So you decided to officially join the small clan of Uncle Spike followers Irene…. That makes me a happy blogger now – I really appreciate you making that special mouse click.

    Hope you like my upcoming posts and if you get bored one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too.

    If you have any likes, dislikes or suggestions about my blog, just let me know, either through ‘comments’ or via email. Always welcome reader input 🙂

    Have a great old day…



  5. Thanks Will look forward to future posts.


  6. Wow Impressive Irene, I enjoy reading your writing and the photo displays too. Keep up the great work it’s nice to connect with you.


  7. Nice to connect with you to Jackie and I’m glad you have enjoyed both my writing and photos. Both are a bit of an addiction to me so I know there will be more. Hope to see you again.


  8. pommepal says:

    G’day Irene from one “banana bender” to another… What an interesting life you have had and are still having. Pleased to have found you by clicking back to say G’day after you commented on my posts. I’m sure you will soon have a loyal and wide community. That is what I love about WP.


  9. Sherri says:

    Hello Irene! I just wanted to thank you once again, except this time on your blog, for coming over to my blog and for your wonderful encouragement of my writing, which I do so appreciate, and for taking the time to read and comment in such a meaningful way. This means a great deal to me.

    I remember when I started my blog in January as a way to document my writing journey I had no idea where this blogging business would take me, certainly never in a million years expecting to become part of such a wonderful community such as I’ve found here. It is wonderful to know that you are finding the same. It takes time and slowly, bit by bit, your community grows.

    I am so glad that we met and I really look forward to reading so much more of your blog and btw, I read your profile with great interest 🙂

    Have a lovely day 🙂


    • Thank you for coming to visit me. I really enjoyed your blog site and your writing. It was also good to find some-one doing a similar blog project to myself with photos, memory and writing. I enjoyed your blog about creativity and your son. I will come back and comment after I have listened to his music (my husband is still asleep and I don’t want to wake him yet.)
      I am enjoying the blogging community also and look forward to meeting more in the future.


      • Sherri says:

        Thanks again Irene, yes it is lovely meet someone with similar interests like yourself and also to be part of this amazing blogging community. I really look forward to reading more of your blog and also I hope you enjoy listening to my son’s music when your husband is awake 🙂


  10. simplyilka says:

    I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for ‘The Versatile Blogger’ Award because I think your blog is very sweet and you have found your own special voice. Please feel free to display the Award on your blog or to keep it as a sign of appreciation 🙂


  11. Pingback: Thank You Irene Waters ~ Versatile Blogger Award | Cassie ~ Jux.ta.pozed

  12. Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon says:

    Thanks Irene for taking a Peek at my blog 🙂
    I’m Enjoying yours. I’m a Cat lover, in your last blog post, your cat in the dresser drawer reminded me of my 2 Kitty’s. We had to move & relocate for my husbands job, so my 2 are staying with good friends of ours in Oregon. We are in Arizona 😦 SO I MISS them so much! I love your writing style! May you have much *SUCCESS*! Author, Catherine Lyon 🙂 🙂


    • Thanks for visiting and following. Glad you enjoyed The two personalities. You have come into an animal memoir part way through. I think I’ll make a page for it so it can be read easily from the beginning if anyone wants to.
      I hope you soon get back to your kitty’s. Animals bring such joy to one’s life it is hard to be without them.


      • Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon says:

        *AMEN* I do check on them TOO Often…lol…but your right, they do bring Joy & Laughter! *Cat*


  13. Sherri says:

    Congratulations Irene – I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger’s Award! Here is the link, I hope you accept this award 🙂 http://sherrimatthewsblog.com/2013/12/10/just-imagine-a-beautiful-sisterhood-award-part-two/


  14. Hi Irene! I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you for inspiring me with your blog! Congratulations! You can find the badge and details here: http://lilmisspoutinessegues.wordpress.com/2013/12/11/the-versatile-blogger-award


  15. Glynis Jolly says:

    Just wanted you to know that you’ve been nominated for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award.


    • Thank you Glynis for nominating me for the award. I am honoured that you thought of me and will accept although it may be a few days (with Christmas festivities ) before I fulfil the criteria. I love reading all the blogs – my big regret is that there aren’t enough hours in the day to do it as fully as I would like.
      Cheers Irene


  16. markbialczak says:

    Irene, I think you deserve to be among the Inventive Blogger class along with me.

    I add The Inventive Blogger Award to my trophy case


  17. Hey, Irene –

    I’m following suit with Mark.

    It’s the end of another year, and respects need to be shown. This post is a little delayed, but it had to be reciprocated. It may even be my last notifications. (This process is a pain…) Here’s my nomination for your The Innovative Blogger Award, which was initiated by Don Charisma. http://thinaby.com/2013/12/28/the-inventive-bloggers/

    Keep up the great writing! If I can speak on behalf of the followers, we can’t wait to read next year.


    – Christopher


  18. I know what you mean about a pain, but there is good point to it all in that you find out that you are appreciated for some reason (your writing , your commenting, your photos) and that always gives one a warm glow. So thank you for the warm glow you’ve given me but am kind of glad to say that as Mark got in first I’ll just appreciate and decline this time round.
    Thank you also for your kind comment at the end – I shall now progress into the new year with vim and writing implements handy.


  19. Thank you for liking “Timepieces for the New Year.” I enjoyed visiting your blog. I especially like your “Daily Prompt: Beyond the Pale” post. It is an impressive accomplishment to build your own house even with some outside help. Congratulations on a job well done, and I hope you have a Happy New Year. 🙂


  20. gapark says:

    Love the premise for your blog! Looking back is also a pastime of mine. Thanks for visiting. Gail


  21. Ann Koplow says:

    I’m so glad our paths have crossed. I like what I see here and look forward to reading more. All the best to you.


  22. You have a great blog here. Continue the good work.
    Thanks for your visit and following. You also just got a new follower.


  23. Dilip says:

    How beautiful indeed. Yes it is awareness that brings us to a state of gratitude.
    Thank you you have a lovely blog.
    Cheers 🙂


  24. garden98110 says:

    Both your short bios are a good read for me, on this page and your sidebar potato-peeler segue. It seems you are filled with experience. The inevitable product of living. Many people are waiting to start living. The lines are growing longer. You are fortunate to have beat the crush. Your voice as a writer is strong. Write. Every day. Write. Until you think you cannot wrap a potato peeler around another word and skin it. Write. We think your snaps are skookum, too. – The Healing Garden gardener


    • What nice words. Thank you so much for your comments. I certainly have done my share of living and also hope to have a bit more to come – although patient there are some things I don’t wait for and living is one. As a writer one is always full of self-doubt as to “is it any good” so I thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for visiting. I look forward to reciprocating.


  25. Alana says:

    Irene, your gratitude and your writing is beautifully uplifting. Thank you for taking time to observe and appreciate so many things that so many of us take for granted.


  26. loisajay says:

    Thank you for the like of my ‘object’ photo, Irene. Whew! You have done a lot–your blog is most interesting!


    • Thank you Loisajay for visiting. You could say I’m a hooked poster – I have found that all these challenges send me looking through my photo archives or off on a walk looking for the suitable photo opportunity or delving into my head in response to writing prompts and they bring back so many memories of times in the past that in the normal course of life I would probably never look at again. Then in spare minutes I love looking at other responses and getting a new perspective on the world – I thought your plates were just lovely and the special friend made it even more special.


  27. Cee Neuner says:

    Hi Irene, I would like to nominate you for the Field of Flowers award. I hope you can find the time to participate. I sure enjoy your blog!

    I’m Truly Humbled – Three Awards


    • garden98110 says:

      This is now healed and we have our portrait attached to home again. No doubt your healing presence, Irene. Thank you. — The Healing Garden gardener


      • Gosh. My apologies. For some reason I didn’t get the notification of your initial message sent on the 10th and saw it only with this message. I’m so glad the problem has been fixed. Some weird things have been happening with WP lately but the main thing is that you are healed but I won’t take any credit as I didn’t know it was happening. Cheers Irene.


  28. Irene. Congratulations! I have also chosen you as a recipient for the Field of Flowers Award. 🙂 Thank you so much for your posts and photos. They are wonderful. http://jenyrunningbrook.wordpress.com/2014/02/12/i-am-honored-to-accept-the-field-of-flowers-award/


  29. litadoolan says:

    Hello Irene

    I am so pleased I can offer you the Liebster award to your brilliant website! I hope you enjoy this historic prize

    Liebster Award

    Good regards!


  30. Pingback: FIELD OF FLOWERS AWARD: HEM nominated by Irene A Waters | HalfEatenMind

  31. nomibug says:

    You have a gorgeous, whimsical writing style. I love it. Good luck with your blogging. I’m looking forward to reading more 🙂


  32. aschlady says:

    Hey Irene, You may have seen this already… I FINALLY followed up on the award nomination 🙂 http://wp.me/p3Iwib-8Y Thanks again!


  33. Woolly Muses says:

    Good morning Irene
    I have nominated your blog for The Lighthouse Award as a way of thanking you for being around and regularly visiting WoollyMuses.


  34. Pingback: Award-Lighthouse-Award | WoollyMuses

  35. Hi. I nominated you for the Liebster Award, and wanted to let you know I really enjoy your blog. Thanks. Mel


  36. Lisa Reiter says:

    The comments above cover most of what I would like to say about your wonderful blog except I am totally in awe of your ‘prolific-ness’ ! Much to learn from your approach to life and writing. Thank you for the ‘blog hop’ nomination – looking forward to the self-examination and choosing others!


    • Lisa, I’m glad you are joining in the blog hop. I know you give writing a good deal of thought already. Don’t be in awe. I just love writing and I love in particular the comments I get that stretch my mind that little bit further or those that just let me know it was liked. As writers we write because we have to but also for someone to read it and blogging allows you to do both. Mind you my supervisor would probably prefer that I spent more time on what I am supposed to be writing and reading. Cheers Irene


  37. Pingback: M-R’s challenge 27 | MARGARET-ROSE STRINGER

  38. joannesisco says:

    What a beautiful About page! I particularly liked the part about discovering there is so much more to learn and wishing you had started much earlier. YES! … that’s how I feel every day. Well said 🙂


    • Thanks Joanne, I’m glad you feel that way also. Although I wish I had known earlier I’m so thrilled that I still find the wonder in things and still want to know about the “why”. I see others my age and older that have lost that inquiring part of themselves but they have also lost the joy and wonder as well. Cheers Irene 😉


  39. Nida S. says:

    It is refreshing to read about and meet people who are truly grateful for every atom of their existence. You are indeed very lucky. And I love your Bite-size memoir idea!


  40. Pingback: I Feel Like a Hollywood Star: And I Would Like to Thank…. | SaylingAway

  41. Hi Irene! What a pleasure to meet you and your lovely blog! I admire your gratitude for the simple things in life, I admire your writing style and most abundantly admire the fact that you were a nurse. We spent a lot of time in hospitals with our son, who had Cerebral Palsy. Nurse are, without a doubt, unsung heroes in our story of life. I look forward to reading and catching up to speed! Be well. ~Karen~


    • Hi Karen, Lovely to meet you also. I’ve just popped over to visit you and although I’v only read your about page so far I know the pleasure is going to be mine as well. You have been in a position, sadly, where you have had a lot of contact with nurses and I’m really glad that they were there to help your son and also you and your husband and yes, even though I was a nurse I still think they are unsung heros. I’ve just had my elderly mother in intensive care (which is my specialty) and I couldn’t believe the changes in technology – though it is twenty years since I worked in a hospital. The nurses though were unchanged. Still very caring and respectful. Looking forward to mutual visits to each other. Cheers Irene


  42. Pingback: My First Blog Hop | SaylingAway

  43. Pingback: Wordless Wednesday – Relaxed in the Garden | Lisa Reiter - Sharing the Story

  44. Pingback: Spreading Butterfly Light | Lisa Reiter - Sharing the Story

  45. goannasnake says:

    Hi Irene. Thanks for liking some of my pics and following my little blog. I’ll look forward to seeing more of yours. Cheers, Jenny.


    • Thanks for the follow as well. I think you have a great site and look forward to many more visits. Time is always my problem but I really want to visit your two weeks in New Zealand amongst others. We both have our octogenarian parent living on the sunshine coast as well. Cheers Irene


  46. Norah says:

    Hi Irene, I agree with you for I am lucky too!
    Congratulations on all your wonderful awards. You are truly deserving. Best wishes for your continuing journey.


  47. Hi, I would like to nominate you for the Virtual Tour Blog. I was nominated by Wandering Iris.It is a new blog. I love your photos and stories and it would be great to see how your creative processes work.
    There are four questions to answer.
    1. What am I working on at the moment?
    2. How does my work differ from others of the same genre?
    3. Why do I write/create what I do?
    4. How does my writing/creating process work?
    I would love for you to accept and if you do your post is on the 4th August.
    Cheers. 😀


  48. Pat says:

    Hi Irene – I know you just gave this to Sherri but just wanted you to know I also nominated you for the Butterfly Light Award at http://plaintalkandordinarywisdom.com/thank-you-my-last-butterfly-light-award/. I wanted to share you with my readers. Thank you for sharing and making this a better world. 🙂


  49. I love your About description. We are indeed lucky and, in my book, it is never too late to learn anything. 🙂


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