Weekend Coffee Share 22nd April 2018: R.I.P Bundy


Welcome. Come on in for a cup of tea or coffee. You are very welcome and I have most beverages. I’m afraid you’ll find us somewhat sad this morning as yesterday we said goodbye to our gorgeous cocker spaniel Bundy.


© irene waters 2018

From the time Bundy came to us as a rescue dog six years ago he has given us a lot of joy. The main reason we looked for a rescue dog was because we felt our old German Shepherd Zac would be revitalised by having a companion. He was and the two got on well together. But he became much more than that to us. We used to laugh at his possessiveness of his white cockatoo. No way would he relinquish it without much growling. It was like a security blanket to him. He arrived with it and despite much head shaking with it in his mouth it remained white and in perfect condition. He was a birder with a soft mouth. He once caught a bird whilst we were out walking but it suffered no damage and happily flew off.


© irene waters 2018

He immediately adopted Roger and became his shadow. It took us many months to stop his anxiety if Roger left whilst we were out. For Bundy, unless Roger was by his side he was miserable. He didn’t acknowledge me as being part of the circle for a couple of years.

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© irene waters 2018

Roger loved him back just as much and the bond between them grew. He was a bloody minded dog and impossible to budge if he didn’t want to go. We had to cross the road at exactly the same spot each day. He wouldn’t go further. When we moved we had to have coffee before the park instead of after because he walked in that direction from that spot and nothing would change him.

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© irene waters 2018

Whilst I was doing my Masters and  sadly did not have the time to give to Roger, Bundy filled that gap. He kept him company when I was at the Uni during the day and at night on the evenings I was out. When I went to conferences Bundy was always there. Always loving.

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© irene waters 2018

At 15 years old, he’d had a good innings. The time had come to show him how much we loved him by letting him go. Roger sat on the lounge most of the morning with Bundy’s head on his lap. When the vet came he told him to stay and he gave him a sedative so he wouldn’t be distressed by a needle going into his back leg. Bundy gently went to sleep on the lap of the one he loved and who loved him back. We will miss him dreadfully. He was our joy boy.  R.I.P Bundy.

If we were having coffee I’d apologise for talking about our last day with him and perhaps giving too much detail but when death comes so peacefully it can be a beautiful thing despite the pain that the hole in your heart gives you.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that our weather has been beautiful one minute and raining the next.  The raining days have been good because it has given me a lot of time to go through some paperwork. I want to get down to the minimum amount of stuff possible so that should we decide to leave in less than a year (Roger still hasn’t got used to living in a community situation) I don’t have nearly as much to pack.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I don’t feel much like talking – I did have things I was going to tell you but to tell you the truth just at the moment none seem that important. So that is about it for my week. Have you read any good books or seen any films that should be seen? Looking forward to seeing how your week has been. Thank you for dropping in for coffee, it is lovely to see you. Thanks to  eclecticali  who is our host of the weekend coffee share.

About Irene Waters 19 Writer Memoirist

I began my working career as a reluctant potato peeler whilst waiting to commence my training as a student nurse. On completion I worked mainly in intensive care/coronary care; finishing my hospital career as clinical nurse educator in intensive care. A life changing period as a resort owner/manager on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu was followed by recovery time as a farmer at Bucca Wauka. Having discovered I was no farmer and vowing never again to own an animal bigger than myself I took on the Barrington General Store. Here we also ran a five star restaurant. Working the shop of a day 7am - 6pm followed by the restaurant until late was surprisingly more stressful than Tanna. On the sale we decided to retire and renovate our house with the help of a builder friend. Now believing we knew everything about building we set to constructing our own house. Just finished a coal mine decided to set up in our backyard. Definitely time to retire we moved to Queensland. I had been writing a manuscript for some time. In the desire to complete this I enrolled in a post grad certificate in creative Industries which I completed 2013. I followed this by doing a Master of Arts by research graduating in 2017. Now I live to write and write to live.
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20 Responses to Weekend Coffee Share 22nd April 2018: R.I.P Bundy

  1. Irene, I know what it is like losing someone like Bundy. And it sounds as if it was done just right, still not an easy thing. It is a wonderful thing now, vets that come to us, to our homes for this humane means of accepting and ameliorating the inevitable.
    I did not know there was consideration of a move. The benefit there is that paring down of stuff. More tough decisions.
    You know I go to my local dump to be given treasures at the Take It Or Leave It. Today I took a book of sonnets written by Heloise Durant, published in 1884. It’s not bad stuff, but come to find out the poet is better known as the bad woman who sued and ruined her brother (known for Adirondack architecture) for shorting her on her inheritance. (their father was a railroad guy) Anyway, I found a trilogy published on the family and am going to give it a read, or at least the first book, which the author informs me has Heloise, better known as Ella, writing the book of sonnets. I went from dump find to connecting to spending money within hours. Love the www.
    I went to the woods earlier in the week but am back now. I sidetracked slightly on the way back by seeing Mary Gauthier play in a pub on the Cape. (Cod) She’s the woman who turned veterans’ and their family’s stories into songs and has the record out, “Rifles and Rosary Beads”, an excellent album. Our friend knows of her work. Anyway, wow, what a great night. A perfect ending to a great week with friends and family.
    There, I talked more than enough for both of us.
    Take care.
    P.S. It snowed rained sleeted and snowed every day up there and there was still two or three feet on the ground. No yard work got done this trip. No kayaking. But I did get out for some walks. The crusty snow held my weight, good thing, I left my snow shoes. Oh my, you do know about snowshoes, right?


    • Thanks D. The time was right and he is now at peace. Roger is comfortable with that but there is sadness in his heart. Luckily Muffin is giving him a lot of love. We moved twice in 2017 and Roger promised me two years here before we moved again. I still have a bit of time to go before I know for sure.
      Your trip to the dump sounds wonderful. Was the book of sonnets illustrated. I have one around that age and the illustrations (pen and ink drawings) are just superb. The book has led you to discover an interesting family.
      I don’t know Mary Gauthier but I will go onto youtube and see if I can find some songs. Your trip back from the family sounds great. Thanks for talking for me. I needed some chatter. Yes I do know about snowshoes. Just lovely images you have left me with. Thanks.


  2. eschudel says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. It sounds like Bundy was a wonderful dog, who had a wonderful life with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So very sorry for your loss.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m saddened to hear about Bundy and know how much that hurts. Sounds like you gave him a great life! I still miss my dog, Boo Boo, after more than five years. Guess that I always will.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Irene and Roger, I am so saddened to hear this news about Bundy. I remember Bundy being Zac’s special friend as that was about the time I started to follow you. I loved his beauty, his sense of loyalty, his funny stubbornness, his careful way of walking with you, and the way he learned to sit nicely so he could get a treat when Muffin got one. He was a very special boy and I will miss hearing about his life with you. Please accept my condolences on his passing. Much love to both of you, Shari.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. If we were having coffee I would tell you “thank you for sharing!” We recently lost one of our own beloved dogs and I know how important it is to share that love, bond, and memories. I share your sadness from my own place in grieving. I am sorry for your loss!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. trentpmcd says:

    I’m very sorry about Bundy. Sometimes it is best to let go, no matter how much it hurts.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m truly sorry about your loss. Dogs really are our best friends — as far as non-human creatures are concerned. I’ve had a dog most all my life — from the time I was a tiny child — until I moved to the house where I live now. Our last dog had died shortly before we moved, and since my hubby was ill and needed a lot of care, I didn’t think I could devote time and attention to a new pet as well, so I never did get another dog. But I remember that my very first puppy was named Cookie because my mother said I always took a bite of a cookies and then gave the dog a bite. Of course, she said I also took a drink from my bottle and then offered Cookie a drink from it as well. Guess it didn’t hurt me any.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. noelleg44 says:

    Oh, Irene, I am so sorry to learn of your loss. It’s losing a part of your family and your heart and I know you will miss him acutely. But he had a good life with you two, and for that he was lucky, as were you. I’ve got tears in my eyes, knowing your pain from all the times we’ve had to say good-by to beloved companions. May you find peace in happy memories of Bundy.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh no. Bundy. I am so sorry, Irene. I always say some people have a pet and other people a have furchild. I know he was part of your family and I know how that feels. 💞 Thinking of you all. Love and hugs to you.

    Liked by 1 person

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