Weekend Coffee Share 22nd October 2016


Welcome. Come on in and have a cup of your preferred beverage. Tea – herbal or leaf, coffee or perhaps hot chocolate or a cool drink. The choice is yours.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I am feeling much better. I have had a lovely relaxing week reading, visiting friends, going to my art appreciation course, hair cut, shoe purchase, taking my Mum out and about and generally chilling. Of course we also watched the American Presidential Debate and will be watching holding my breath as the American people vote. The end of next week our house sale becomes unconditional and then I will start to pack in earnest but for now recovering my equilibrium.


© irene waters 2016

visiting my friend in the hinterland


© irene waters 2016

fish and chips with my Mum and Roger

If we were having coffee I’d tell you I have been very worried about my left foot. It has always been much more swollen than the right but suddenly the pain in it became more than severe. I compared it with my friend who had her surgery a few days after mine.


© irene waters 2016

a few weeks post op

I was pleased that she said her pain was severe. She was needing to take pain killers which I have not done. The next day though the suture line on the right began bleeding so I went to the local doctor. The last thing I wanted was osteomyelitis (bone infection). After taking the antibiotics he ordered for a day and a half suddenly the left foot began to improve. The swelling is going down rapidly and the pain has virtually gone. I think I must have had an infection in it judging by the response. Anyway, I’m happy I think my feet are going to be great and am already thinking of dancing as soon as my next x-ray confirms my bones are up to it.

If we were having coffee I’d ask if you have read any good books. I have finished the ‘Gustav Sonata’ by Rose Tremain. I would highly recommend it. This is a book about neutrality where she adeptly shows that there is no such thing. She describes Switzerland perfectly and the flaws in both society and individuals. She allows you to draw your own conclusions. I am now reading a book by Louise Erdrich called Larose. Erdrich has been described as one of the most innovative writers in America at this time. She mingles Native American, white culture and myth and it has captured me with the story of Landreux who shoots his neighbours five year old son. To make amends they give the neighbour their own son and the story goes on from there. This used to happen in Vanuatu only with girls and I am finding it is fascinating to read of similar customs of the native American tribes.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you the relief I felt at the end of reading this message from a friend on facebook. “I’m at the emergency room. Today was not a good day. I decided to go horseback riding – something I haven’t done in a few years. It turned out to be a big mistake! I got on the horse and started out slow, but then we went a little faster before I knew it, we were going as fast as the horse could go. I couldn’t take the pace and fell off, but caught my foot in the stirrup with the horse dragging me. It wouldn’t stop. Thank goodness the manager at Toys-R-Us came out and unplugged the machine.” It is always good to have a really good laugh.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you it is your turn to tell me how your week has been, what films you have seen and how you are travelling. Thanks for popping in and catching up. Hopefully I will make it to you to have a return coffee.

Thanks Diana for hosting the coffee share.

About Irene Waters 19 Writer Memoirist

I began my working career as a reluctant potato peeler whilst waiting to commence my training as a student nurse. On completion I worked mainly in intensive care/coronary care; finishing my hospital career as clinical nurse educator in intensive care. A life changing period as a resort owner/manager on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu was followed by recovery time as a farmer at Bucca Wauka. Having discovered I was no farmer and vowing never again to own an animal bigger than myself I took on the Barrington General Store. Here we also ran a five star restaurant. Working the shop of a day 7am - 6pm followed by the restaurant until late was surprisingly more stressful than Tanna. On the sale we decided to retire and renovate our house with the help of a builder friend. Now believing we knew everything about building we set to constructing our own house. Just finished a coal mine decided to set up in our backyard. Definitely time to retire we moved to Queensland. I had been writing a manuscript for some time. In the desire to complete this I enrolled in a post grad certificate in creative Industries which I completed 2013. I followed this by doing a Master of Arts by research graduating in 2017. Now I live to write and write to live.
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19 Responses to Weekend Coffee Share 22nd October 2016

  1. DeniseinVA says:

    Hi Irene, thanks for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed my visit here. Ouch on your poor feet, and your friend. Glad things are moving in the right direction. Loved the photos. Sweet dogs and nice photo of your Mom and Roger with that pretty view and eating fish and chips. We are all waiting to see what the outcome of these elections will be. For the first time I can remember in over 20 years there are hardly any political signs showing support for either candidate in our neighborhood. I am reading Louise Penny, A Great Reckoning. It is about a French Canadian police officer and there is a whole series revolving around the same characters. I have enjoyed them all. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for dropping in for coffee Denise. Glad you’ve enjoyed your visit and the photos. From what coverage we get here it would seem that neither candidate is particularly popular in the country and the level of hatred in some of the populous would sway votes towards a man that may put him in one of the most powerful positions in the world. Funny how your political outcomes have such an effect on us where our candidates for prime minister are probably unknown even within our own country. Thanks for the book suggestion. It isn’t one I’ve heard of so I’ll check out Amazon. Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for dropping by.


  2. eschudel says:

    I’m glad your feet are improving!! What a relief for you. Have a good week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your story made me laugh. Thanks for that—I’m always in the mood for good humour! I hope your recovery continues. Foot surgery is so hard on us!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Glad you found the problem with your foot and glad it is better. I don’t envy you moving . Good Luck with the move.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. trentpmcd says:

    I’m glad your feet are improving. I hope that continues!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pamela Morse says:

    I do hope your feet will heal in short order to full function and well being. I have been watching very old films this week on Amazon Prime. We saw a string starring Myrna Loy. She always looks fabulous in her costumes, and the cars are stars in their own right. We watched a Topper movie with Joan Blondell, in which very early special effects created ghost scenes. We had our own black and white film festival in our bedroom. Thanks for the coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Corina says:

    My week was busy but then again, they are busy all the time. Every week. Last week was a little easier because I didn’t have the writing class to teach because there was a fall harvest festival that day. So yay! I enjoy it but it adds prep time and then with the commute and the class, it takes an extra two hours of my day! The bonus is that this Tuesday the school is doing an internal audit so there will be no enrichment classes so I don’t have that class again! Yay!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Glad everyone is healing, but we could all do without the accidents and physical problems that put us into surgery in the first place.

    I do love your photos and the bit about the pony ride – hilarious! Made me laugh and that was just what my doctor ordered. So, thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes maybe 2017 will see us all whole again. How is your arm going? Glad you got a smile from the pony ride. I was so relieved when I got to the punch line I laughed out loud and felt good for the rest of the day. Glad it did the same for you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Slow, slow heal on the arm – I’m typing this with both hands! I want to paint again but have a long way to go before I can hold a brush. Still, I’m working on it. Physical therapy routine takes 4 hours a day, some of that time icing my arm. At least my kids know where I am late at night. Thank you for asking.


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